Friday, September 28, 2007

Week Nine : Thing 23

whew...I am so glad that this is over. But it really isn't is it? Starting the whole process proved to be very difficult for me. In fact, I was blocked and finally had to admit that I needed something or someone to kickstart me into getting going. Luckily Annette Gaskins graciously offered to help and then showed immense patience with my frustration until Lo! the scales fell from my eyes and I could finally feel that, yes, I could do this. It wasn't easy and it DID take a LOT of TIME! But, now I consider it an investment in my future as a librarian. The experience gave me a frame of reference, new tools, some ideas, and terminology that will enhance my ability to understand and help the people who ask for my help. . . library patrons....and ain't that what it's all about anyway?

1 comment:

vilakshan said...

Font size is not reader friendly