Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week Seven : Thing 16


I love Wikis. I've been a big fan of Wikipaedia from the very beginning. But then again, I was a big fan of pathfinders too! To me a Wiki is like one great big collaborative pathfinder. That is, an informative guide that can lead you to many places. It is wonderful to see the myriad ways that people are using this idea of collborative information sharing. Talk about being pertinent to librarians, aren't we all just walkin'-talkin' Wikis? Before HCPL decided to do the Learning 2.0 thang I had already thought that using a wiki as a way to create a living breathing Branch Manager's handbook was the way to go (now having the time to do it is the problem, yes, it's that old time thing again that I keep ranting about.) Heavy sigh...

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